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“And Ye Shall Be Healed” Now Available on Amazon and Smashwords!

Hi, Everyone!


Sorry it’s been such a long time since I’ve updated this blog!  Now that I have more time, I’ll try to do it more often.


At any rate, “And Ye Shall Be Healed”, my latest published short story (which originally appeared in _Red Fez_ magazine online) is now available on Amazon and Smashwords!  I hope you’ll check it out.  I worked hard on it. 🙂

“And Ye Shall Be Healed” is the first published story (in an online magazine) from the upcoming collection, Long-Distance Dedications.  There’s another story I released on Amazon that might make it into the collection, but I haven’t decided how it fits in yet.  (I might use it in a highly modified form.)  As with most of what I write, don’t go reading too much into it.  There’s a reason it’s fiction and not autobiography. 🙂


Anyway, please pick it up, and I hope you enjoy it if you do!  And if I could ask you a favor:  I would be forever in your debt if you’d put a review on Amazon or Smashwords for me, once you read it.  Thanks! 🙂





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  1. Vikrant says

    It seems like the Amazon machine takes care of itelsf to some extent. Not only does Amazon do a really good job making authors visible with all their bestseller charts, but I think they probably do a better job pushing recommendations to their customers than the NOOK store does. I can’t figure out how to do on NOOK what I’ve done on Amazon and I don’t think it’s just a matter of there being more Kindle owners. I think NOOK’s system just doesn’t work as well for us. Another thing might be that a lot of people who recommend books are members of the Amazon Associates program and get paid for sending buying customers to Amazon. BN now has an affiliate program, but it’s not integrated, it’s complicated, and it’s confusing. It’s not as worth it for people to send customers to BN.Things I recommend which you may already be doing: making sure to include NOOK-friendly links when you blog or do interviews and guest blogging, using a #NOOK hashtag when you mention your work on Twitter. I’m not one to spend time in forums, but there are some NOOK reader forums you might post in, or the NOOK section at MobileReads forum. Or you can try finding book bloggers who set themselves up as someone who finds great reads on NOOK and ask them to review your book.Honestly I think I get most of my NOOK sales from having a 99cent title and that most people who buy my first book are shopping for bargain reads. I think most people who have bought my 2.99 title have found it because I sent them there. So if you can have at least one free (through Smashwords) or 99 cent title and have links to your other work at the end of it, that might help as well.

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